Follow the evolution of the Writer Knapsack (and even participate and help make decisions) as I create the face and materials of a new and different take on helping writers in this crazy world of publishing. Join me from the beginning and watch the website change as I work on sketches to a final logo, offer tips and tales toward final production, and develop an array of materials for those living the writing life...all to fill the pockets of your own writer knapsack.

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

InCoWriMo 2017

I'm going to join in the International Correspondence Writing Month challenge this year, which begins on February 1st.   I heard about it at (where I gained inspiration for trying my hand at a bullet journal this year...but that's actually fodder for another blog post soon!) Kara gives a wonderful description of the InCoWriMo February challenge on her blog--more specifically HERE--and I strongly urge anyone who loves the written word or just loves to connect to family, friends...and even new pop over and read all about it.

Basically, each day of the month, you hand write a letter, note, postcard etc. to mail or deliver every day--for a total of 28.  It can be to anyone as long as it is handwritten. A few love notes to your significant other, a thank you card to your grandmother, a letter to a friend you haven't spoken to in a while, a fun note and maybe add a colouring page for a niece, nephew, or other little one you know.  What about a soldier overseas or an elderly person in a nursing home?  You can even write to the same person more than once or every day if you want.  And if you still need ideas, there are a few more suggestions with addresses on Kara's blog or at the main site:

I used to hand write letters all the time, but like most, technology weened me away from the practice.  Not only that, but a young girl I knew, her school didn't even teach them handwriting--printing, yes, but not curvature.  By the time she was sixteen, she didn't actually know how to sign her learner's permit for her driver's licence--hard to figure out your own unique signature when you don't know the basics of handwriting. I'm thankful that's not the practice at my children's school.

Now, just to mention, if you need the more up to date technology, you can use the hashtags #InCoWriMo and #InCoWriMo2017 to connect with others celebrating the handwritten word this month.

Anyone else planning to participate?

Tuesday, January 24, 2017


We've had some rougher weather this month, and there have been a number of days where I chose to work from home instead of treading the old rutted country roads covered in snow and ice to the next town over where the day job is located.  Thankfully, I have a very flexible boss.

Other than the obvious benefits of working from the home office, there is one more...the home office co-worker...

Jimmy is an AWESOME co-worker 😃

Monday, January 16, 2017

Trying something new

Really, isn't that what the "new" year is for--trying new things seeing as most of us start at the beginning of the year anyway.

I'm not doing official resolutions this year, just choosing to try different things to see what will work for me.

This month (year if it works) I am trying an idea I actually did see on the internet--office squats.  Twice a day (10 and 3) you stop and do X amount of squats at the office, upping the number every couple weeks.  I've always done any workouts before or after work, but as I read this article (sorry, I didn't keep the link) it just made sense, considering most of us are at the day job upwards of eight or more hours a day.  And since I sit on my butt in front of a computer at the day AND the night job, I figured it couldn't hurt--and the fact it doesn't take much time at all sure helps.

So, I set reminders to pop up right on my computer screen and printed off a calendar to keep track with the goal to fill in the weekdays of January.  What makes me feel even better is that these are over and above the squats I do on my workouts every other day because of my bum knee.  So it's like mini turbo boosts of added exercise without all the time and planning😃

Here is the calendar now, already a full week started--office was closed the first week and I took that as much needed "me" time for the holidays.  I am hoping that I stick with this so that maybe in a few months I can post another picture of the calendar with months shown as marked off  being extra motivation.

If anyone wants to give it a go as well, I would happily cheer for you, too!